Someone to admire. 

I have to be completely honest with you, i don´t have any person to admire into the biochemistry, not because anyone can be admirable, it´s just because i don´t search that information before, but personal i believe that all who could finished the career is admirable.

When i´m searching information i read about intelligent people who created or discovered very important things that are use and teach actually. But when i slide the image from one of them for read about other one  i could found just men, i have to slide like ten times to find  a women, and when i read about her i´m like OMG SHE WAS AWESOME!!, and i can´t understand why she doesn´t appear before. But then when i continue slide, you are not going to believe me, MORE MEN, it´s about one girl into ten guys, and it´s not that i have something against men, it´s just that this thing surprise me, i think that this thing are not continue happen but i see that i´m wrong.

Resultado de imagen para gerty cori
Now i´m going to tell you about the woman that i read, and why i´m a bit angry(?) that she isn´t into the top 3 when you search about famous biochemists. Her name is Gerty Cori, she was born the 15 of august of 1896 and died the 26 of October of 1957, when i read this part i was very surprised because she live in a time that women were very oppressed and obvious they were marginalized of science or any kind of study. But nevertheless she could be biochemist. She was married with Carl Cori, they met on the medical school when both of them studied. Unlike her husband she could not found work into investigation easily and if she could found one this was badly paid, Carl always wanted to job with his wife, but the institutions disapproved the idea. Now come the most important thing of her and the reason of my anger. She was the first woman in EEUU that received the Nobel prize for science  and the fist woman all around the world that received the Nobel prize for physiology or medicine. With her husband they propose the Cori cycle and discovered the process of the catalytic conversion of glycogen.

Resultado de imagen para process of the catalytic conversion of glycogen.Resultado de imagen para cori cycle

As well, all that intelligent men receive Nobel too and discovered some important things, but mostly receive just one and they are not the fist one who receive that nobel in them gender. Maybe now you are thinking "she is very exaggerated", but me as a girl i can feel that error in ordering.


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