Just words... 

"The word is the tool if even the eyes speak.Cevlade"

Resultado de imagen para wordsAlong our life we could saw, heard, told words, and here isn´t the end, you and me are going to continue doing it for a long long time ( i hope). The words are something that accompany the humanity for a long time,  as the same time that the people change along the history, the words do it with them. They are the consequence of the new thing that people were learning, all that mixes of culture and new sound that some do to communicate things before they know what the words are. With this, now we can know and learn about the magnificent thoughts of people that are not with us, like Shakespeare, Kafka, Newton, Gabriela Mistral and too much other, all the thing that we know actually, other person use words to wrote that. All that love letters, that brilliant papers, that books that we read one time and other time and another time use words to transmit something.

Resultado de imagen para words.jpgBut why am i tell you all this?, well, because all this Fridays i´m writing a lots of words for your entertainment or knowledge about different topics that i hope you like because i don´t know why someone is going to read something that is not interesting for him/her, whatever, i´m writing this for tell you that this is the end of the words in this blog. This helped me to learn more about some topics that i don´t know that can be so interesting, and know more about my likes, ´cause we don´t know the things that we really like until someone ask us about it.  I don´t know if all my grammatical was correct (hope so) but i tried hard and i put all my heart and energy when i wrote one of this blogs. 

If any other person have to do some blogs like i do i would like to he/she have more options to do one blog, that this person  can choose into 3 options for made it , becouse sometimes i don´t have any inspiration about the topic that i have to write but i could think things about a similar one. I think that one of the blogs can be free style or free in something of science also i would like that when the teacher read theblog he can include a comment about it, like what i could improve for a future blog, if i have a grammar fail in some sentence or if i do it perfectly.

Imagen relacionadaWith anything to add, i want to say thanks for read although it´s one blog, i know that you waste a bit or your time reading, some of the times about me, when you could doing another things. So thanks and continue delighting you with words... 

OK, bye... 

PD: sorry for the sice of the letters i can´t correct it :(


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