Big decisions...

Well i imagine that you now what i´m going to talk about today... Yes, you have all the reason, i´m going to talk about my favourite subject. This topic is a little bit dificult to me because i love learn about everything and i don´t like to choose one to drop another, but sometimes we have to take big decisions for our future.  And that´s what happend witht me, and with all i suppose. As i was a child i known that i love  science, but i like to learn about all, so in whatever thing that  i have to chosen one that was hard. But when i pass to the secundary i discovered the chemistry, and this stolen my hart, i known that in the future i´m going to do something releated with that. 
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And that´s why i´m here now styuding biochemistry, maybe you are going to say, why biochemistry and not chemistry, and the answer is because with the biochemistry i can include all the sciences in one. But undoubtedly my favourite is chemistry, i fell that with this you can discovered a new world, all your universe of knowledge explode. When i learn about how is a molecule of anything that we usually see everyday, i can imagine the molecule on my head, like when someone is drinking water i imagine small circles get into him, i know that this can be a bit weird, but that´s what i like. 
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When i was in the school we never use the laboratory for anything, it´s like that it was decoration, and that was so frustrating because i watched series about crimes and there, all of them work in a laboratory and i want to do that too :(. But for satiate this dream i asked my mum if she can pay me courses in the EDV as a christmas gift. In the university i work into a laboratory but not exactly for the chemistry subject,  they are learn us how to use all the things of a laboratory for our future labs. Actually all my lessons in this subject are theoretical, but that don´t mean that are boring, sometimes is a bit tedious but in the background you now that can´t be different, because when you go to a practice in a lab you can´t join whatever what you want in a solution, or maybe you can do it if you want to burn the place. 

Resultado de imagen para quimica the teachers here encourage you to keep learning and they are disposed to help you if you are not so motivated for your marks, it´s not like when you go in the school, because your teachers of science don´t inculcate the science, they just pass the contents and that´s all. Here they feel the science as you feel it, it´s so magic, all the brains here turn arround the science. 


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