The future is coming on...
Resultado de imagen para genetica
Welcome back to another Friday´s blog, in my first blog i told you that i studied biochemistry, well i continuous studying that and i also hope to finish it. If i finish my career i would like to develop the rest of my life working in something related with genetic. I like this specific area of the career because i think that the big changes start in small things and what better way to start a change bases on a gene, i mean, genes are who contains the information about how can work some cell. Of course into the nature we can find some mistakes, but that can be repairable, we just need to find the way for do it. And that´s what i want to do, i want to find all that specific genes that generate o transfer to the offspring some mistakes that unfortunately turns into hard illness like cystic fibrosis, haemophilia, down´s syndrome and more others.  

Resultado de imagen para genetica fetal
I believe that the best option is to try to find the way to repair all that mistakes into the zygote because when that baby born is not going to come with some illness that can make them lives harder in the future, ´cause sometimes the parents can´t have a lot of money to pay the doctors and medicines and it´s better to pay  a little bit more money first than pay to much money for the rest of them lives. Talking about this is also necessary to find some mechanism or exam that can tell us if the baby come with some disease, because how we can repair that if we don´t know if it have it. 
Resultado de imagen para conocimiento
Obviously i know that maybe i´m not going to discover all the things that i mentioned above but i would like to work into this and maybe contribute with my experiments, knowledge  and discoveries to the person that is going to do it. With all my ideas or aspiration i like to contribute to the survival or  make a comfortable world for the future generations.  And of course i want to have job when i finish my career and the disease are always present in the world and everyday are created a new one or other mutate for being stronger. 

I want to add that people with some illness are necessary to the society because they bring us humanity and they teach us the real meaning of perseverance and  self-improvement, but if we can make them lives easier and agreeable we have to it. 


  1. I think that you have good ideas for the future and i know that you have vocation for your career, so I have high hopes for you.

  2. I like the way hoy think: Big changes start in small things.

  3. your motivation is really excellent, we just need more people wanting to contribute to the world for the future and want to make a change too.

  4. it will be amazing if we could someday identify and cure the baby´s ilnesses before they are born, so they can live a healthy life without that problems

  5. when I was in the high school, in biology classes, I always liked the genetic and studying about the DNA , I believe that you will contribute a lot to the knowledge of this area

  6. You were inspired. I hope you get to genetics' world.


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