The BBF of the men? 

Resultado de imagen para gatos como dioses egipcios
Usually when you hear this phrase you intermediately think in a dog, but why?, why the cats can´t do that job, or a bird, a turtle, a snail, or well, why some people think that. Just remember that cats are like gods in the  Egyptian time. But you can think whatever you want, it´s your decision, i´m just giving my opinion. I think that any animal could do this job if you give it a lot of love, and take care of it like if it is your child. Personally i believe that dogs can be a bit more dangerous that other pets (generally they are bigger than others), obviously is not it fault, it´s just that they learn to live like this, ´cause some people abandons them when they grow up, or on the streets the people kick them or throw stones at them.

Throughout my 18 year i had 3 hamsters, 3 dogs and 3 cats (i just realised that i had 3 of all). First i have a dog, called pillin, but we had to give it away ´cause we don´t have to much space :(. Then i have 2 hamsters and when one of them died my grandmother give another. When i was a child i live in the house of my grandparents and my grandmother doesn´t like cats, she used to have big dogs, but some day she said "i want a cat, i don´t want more mouses¨ and i was so excited because i loveeeee cats with all my heart, they are cute and them purr melts me <3. We find my first cat when we came back from the fair, it is around 2 month, but he died when he had like 3 years, he was to young, he died for an illness that all the cats have but just the 1% of them develops it, so we have to sacrifice it :(. And now it´s supposed that i should have 2 cats, but one of them "daiky" escape, one day he go and don´t came back again, sooo actually i have one cat called originally Akihiko, but all of us call it Rusio  (and i don´t know if my sister counts).


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