What a wonderful world...

Resultado de imagen para violencia en los medios de comunicacionWelcome back to another Friday´s blog, as we can watch in television, hear in the radio or read in the newspaper, all our world is turning around bad or controversial news about the environment, dead, political corruption and some other that destroyed our mind and our hope into the humanity. Literally every day that i turn on the TV i saw violence or traumatic images of the disaster that we are causing, but well, that´s our sad reality. That´s why sometimes i prefer to hear the news in the radio.

Resultado de imagen para destruccion del medio ambienteIf you watch or read news, you can note that in a very small segment we can find "good" news or not so bad, also discussions about some things, like take care our environment, the actual situations with immigrants, scientific discoveries, Chilean education and many others. And that´s what i want to do today, maybe generate a little discussions about some of this topics. But how is Friday and Friday means happy, i don´t want to think about the bad news or the obvious destruction of the world.

Resultado de imagen para reciclajeSo we are going to talk about the recycling, in my house my mum instilled in us the recycling, every month (or we try every month) we go to recycle the bottles, boxes, plastic, cans and everything that can be recycling, but over time that´s more difficult, because every time is most difficult to find places that receive all that thing, near our house all get closed and sometimes that discourage us ´cause we have to go farther to do it. Also we thought that can be fault of the people that go, because when we go we find very unkind people that´s like they don´t want to do it, ´cause they don´t clean the things that are going to recycle or they treat workers badly, so then the companies can´t find workers that want to support that.

Resultado de imagen para clonacion

Obviously always we have to include something related with science, so why not cloning. Well as i told you in other blogs i really like genetic, so this is so related with cloning, because this is the process by which, in a non-sexual way, two identical cells, molecules or organisms already developed are obtained. A clone is a copy organism in terms of its genetics, what is first cloned are the cells, and what´s needed is the organism´s DNA sequence. This practice have been doing some years ago, the famous "dolly sheep", but this experiment have some mistakes, the most important is that this sheep have the same age as the original, so if we create clones, we are going to have an adult person in a baby´s body. But i think that can be the perfect solution for the  lack of organ donors, also i think that now the clones exist but the government or some companies have "them" hidden, because clones are not ethically and religiously correct.

Resultado de imagen para protestas contra adopcion gayThis topic it´s not going to be so “happy”, because I’m very disgusting with the government due to I can´t believe that Chile consider it as a developed country if it continue putting the church above its people, and yes friends I mean adoption. In Chile the system of adoption or SENAME is precarious, the most of that kids finish being nobody, burglars or fathers at 16 years old. And I don´t consider that a good service, but the people prefer to ignore that and continue “fighting” against the gay adoption, also the people prefer to made elaborate sophisticated ads instead of going some good for that kids with that money, ´cause if they are so worried about them or them safety, why they can´t create some foundations or recreational spaces for that kids can forget them reality or been better people that the people that go out of there.

Resultado de imagen para legalizing medicinal marijuanaFor the last one i´m going to talk about the legalizing marijuana and other drugs, I consider that drugs just be legalized for medicinal uses, ´cause that are things that destroyed our body and also they do us dependent for them and we do things that we don´t think that we can do just for the pleasure that the drugs generate in our system. Of course some people can control them self and continue doing them life normally, but some other have genetic conditions that made them more prone to generate addictions and they don´t know that so they can´t take care of them self. I want to add that I don´t have anything against the people that consume drugs in a moderate way and don´t encourage other people to consume.

Finally I want to you express your opinion in the comments and tell me if you are agree or disagree with me and obviously give your reasons.


  1. It must be really awesome to have a clone. Imagine all the posibilities, we could do more than one task at the same time and support each other in several things, it's like to have a friend that knows you very much.


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